VBL TMI: Vegan Before Lunch Encounters Too Much Information

VBL: Vegan Before Lunch Update

The quest for the perfect vegan breakfast has begun.  Initial research resulted in a recipe overload.  The top 3 hits on a Google search of vegan breakfast brings up a Buzzfeed list, Oh She Glows and Forks Over Knives.  The latter two are highly merchandised, oft promoted vegan sites.

The Buzzfeed recipes reads like a bizarre combination of health food and junk food: chickpea pancakes, blueberry oatmeal pancakes, jelly filled muffins and lentils.  This is not what I am looking for.  I am not eating lentils for breakfast and neither are my kids.

Prioritizing my breakfast desires I reformulated my search and tried vegan protein breakfast.  The top hit was a Bodybuilding website and I was pretty excited.  Bodybuilders do not eat jelly filled muffins, this had to be more my speed.  Unfortunately, this site has an unorthodox definition of vegan; as they include recipes that use eggs and yogurt.  I did get some great ideas from the site including protein smoothies (my kids might drink that).  I am definitely going to research protein powders (the list is endless) and give it a try with the family.
Using the concept of the Network in NLP to guide my research I have also joined a vegan Facebook group and found a local meetup for vegans.  The Meetup website lists restaurants they frequent, so I researched a few and reviewed their menus.  Most don’t offer breakfast, but I found a lot of great vegan/vegetarian options for the family.   I also found a good YouTube video by Plant Based Guerrilla that reviews YouTube channels for vegans.  I subscribed to a few, but again, I am concerned with information overload.  How many videos can I watch in a day?

In summary, the information out there is overwhelming.  Narrowing my search has been my biggest challenge.  I have a severe case of TMI!

7 thoughts on “VBL TMI: Vegan Before Lunch Encounters Too Much Information

  1. Yes TMI is a problem haha! you have to wonder why so many people are not well informed or do not even know what a Vegan is 🙂
    just started following you, I have a vegan recipe/lifestyle & Cruelty-free beauty Blog as well, http://www.veganneeds.com
    so glad I found your blog & Happy to connect with you 🙂


  2. I feel your pain! It’s so hard to sift through information and find what is actually helpful and meaningful. I think TMI is one of the most difficult aspects of learning from online tools. Although this type of learning opens endless doors of possibilities, it can be so hard to find exactly what you need! I hope that with more practice we will learn what pop-out features to look for to quickly determine which resources will be helpful. I’m not sure if this would be helpful in your quest, but this week I quickly learned to read reviews and comments on videos, blog posts, etc. before even delving into the content. I’ve found that if most people say it is a waste of time or unreliable, I have agreed!

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  3. I have been a vegetarian for quite some time. I am not a vegan so I am very interested in following your progress to see what you end up with. Have you ever gone to Claire’s Corner Copia in New Haven. Love that restaurant! Claire has written several recipe books. Unfortunately, I don’t think you can access any pages on line. But maybe you can drop her an email for some suggestions. info@ClairesCornerCopia.com

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